Thursday, May 14, 2009

Getting Back in the Swing of Things

The past five weeks or so have been a whirlwind. I’m going to try and get out a blast of new posts over the next few days to cover it all, but in the meantime here are the sound bites:

First, my 12-day trip to China. This was the capstone requirement of my 16-month Executive MBA program at Northeastern University. Four cities (Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Shanghai, and Beijing), numerous business presentations and tours, and a bit of sightseeing later and I can’t believe we’re done. It was an eye-opening experience – one that I wish more Westerners could have as I believe it would do wonders for expanding the broader perspective on this global stage we’re now living in.

Next came graduation. Finally it’s over. Honestly, the event itself was lackluster and anti-climatic. But, with the degree in hand, I can start to move on. What’s next? I’m not sure. I’ll be heading back to the health insurance world on Monday, eager to see what happens. But deep inside I continue to feel a strong longing to do something “more”; something that contributes to a mission that is more near and dear to my passions; something that for me, I can see more tangible results. Ideally, this “more” will be in the green sector (for-profit for now – sorry, I have a family to provide for). Alternative energy is a sector that has strong growth potential. There are many others. Time to start that networking…

Most importantly, we had our third child, a boy just over a week ago. Our family is ecstatic. I’ll give him his own post…

Finally, I’ve been trying to dive into some projects that have been on the back burner for a while – reseeding some lawn, building new garden beds, screening last season’s compost (amazing) and feeding our perennials, and some odds and ends around the house.

The best thing about this time off has been reconnecting with my family. I didn’t realize how busy I had been over the past 16 months. So it’s no wonder that I’ve been feeling a bit “lazy”, wanting to cash in on that R & R capital I’ve been earning since starting my MBA. That also includes writing. Honestly, I’ve been uninspired of late. The reason why, I’m not sure, but I just can’t seem to beat it. I’m hopeful that as the garden begins to grow and blossom, so too will my eagerness to write and continue sharing (and learning) about these things that help this footprint of ours.

I hope all is well with all of you.


Tillerman said...

Congratulations on the MBA and the birth of Green Baby. I can understand why you haven't found the time to write with all that going on. Enjoy the summer and the garden, and good luck with finding that ideal job.


Thanks tillerman. Always good to stretch the fingers a bit on the keyboard. Hope all is well with you.