Wednesday, April 28, 2010

We Need YOU at the Financial Town Meeting

Thanks to Brian Medeiros over at C.U.R.B. (Citizens United for Responsible Budget), I feel as though I have a great handle on what's happening regarding the town budgeting process in Tiverton.

This recent post is OUTSTANDING, presenting ALL the facts that are necessary to make well-informed decisions come May 8 at the Financial Town Meeting. (Why do certain parties continue to omit that little detail about the town not receiving $1.4 million dollars in state car-tax funds?)

If you have never attended a Financial Town Meeting. This is the year to do it. We need EVERYONE there. Read up on things at C.U.R.B. Know the impacts of NOT voting for the 9% tax increase:
  • The closing of one elementary school. (Yes, one of the brand new ones...)
  • The lost of important social services like Visiting Nurses
  • The lost of extra-curricular activities and sports at the school
  • Decreases in town services like snow plowing
  • And the list goes on..
From where I sit, I feel as those we have lost our sense of community. Perhaps its the economic environment or the general tug of society away from 'we' to 'me' -- I'm not sure. But whatever the reason, we are no longer coming together to fight for the common benefit of ALL our citizens.

Please do your part. Get the facts and then join your neighbors at the Financial Town Meeting starting at 9:00AM on May 8 at the Tiverton High School. See you there.


    foulaideas said...

    Thanks Bill--and thanks for bulletting, so easy to read.
    Lawn signs: save our schools save our town save the date are springing up!

    Anonymous said...

    Residents of Tiverton, do NOT be fooled by the agenda of the TCC-they are a very small minority of selfish, rich, and evil individuals determined to destroy the town. Support C.U.R.B. and keep Tiverton liveable for ALL it's residents.

    BILL GERLACH said...

    @ Anonymous: While I appreciate all comments on S.S., what I appreciate even more is the conviction to stand behind what you are saying -- especially when making such strong commentary.

    Yes, yesterday's session was a poor display of democracy and ineptitude seemed to be pervasive, but throwing daggers at each other isn't going to move anything forward constructively.

    Next time, identify yourself and don't hide. Thanks.

    BILL GERLACH said...

    ...oh, and one more thing @Anonymous:

    While folks aligned with the TCC might be misguided (though they make the same argument against others), there are NOT "evil".

    Hitler was evil. Apartheid was evil.
    Strong words should be used with care and proper context.