Saturday, February 24, 2007

Welcome to Sustainable Sakonnet

“You must be the change you wish to see in the world.”

And with those words of Mahatma Gandhi, Sustainable Sakonnet is born.

Why? Well in a nutshell, it’s time. Time to stop thinking about doing something about the problem and griping about the lack of progress and start taking action. “Think global, act local” is cliché, but it’s at the heart of how we as a community of concerned citizens will shape the future of our efforts here in the Sakonnet area. Think of it as the release of Sakonnet 2.0.

If you’re reading this, you have taken the first step. Maybe you know all about environmental sustainability, maybe you’re interested in learning more about how to do your part. Maybe you’re of the same inclination as myself and want to do something to help. To all, welcome. It’s my hope that this blog can all be the first step for our community as we journey towards lessening our impact on this corner of the world; that we can create a new community-based dialogue and bring people together to learn, inspire, and most importantly, act.

The seeds are being sown: Organic farms and community supported agriculture (CSA) programs, a wind turbine (across the river, but it still counts), newly evolved town planning strategies, land trusts, and renewed recycling efforts. Then there are individual efforts such as those to improve recreation and transportation with a new bike path; to bring together the worlds of art and recycling in our schools; plant tress and gardens; and build greener buildings. And kudos to those small businesses that are doing their part too to keep things local and create an ever-expanding local economy.

The time has come to connect these seeds of sustainability and cultivate even more. While the greater challenge of global sustainability seems daunting, it’s all about what simple steps we as individuals take here at home that creates a change for the better. So here’s what we’ll do on Sustainable Sakonnet:

• Talk about town activities regarding sustainability and what we can do to shape them
• Highlight other communities being successful and inspire new ideas in our own
• Give practical and simple advice for how each and every one of us can do a little bit to help
• Create an ongoing dialogue between all of us, foster new networking opportunities, and bring like-minded people together

I’m inspired by those words of Gandhi. I hope you are too. Here’s to a greener future for ourselves and generations to come.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations for taking this initiative. I heard the author of Peak Oil speak recently, and agree that it is definitely up to individuals in local communities to start addressing some of the problems we've caused and acknowledging the limits to our resources.
Thank you!

Anonymous said...

I'm in. If we can't have a true community center in the Town of Tiverton, at least we can create a virtual one! Let's get this discussion going.
Congratulations and thank you to all who acted on their feelings about that horrible flashing sign the Moose Cafe erected a while ago. Hopefully town officials will enforce the new ordinance designed to prevent any more eye sores like that from being erected.

Anonymous said...

Great site! It's good to connect with people who share some common goals. Another great resource is the website: Check it out- right now they have the Hyundia's new concept car that has recycled plastic in it's shell on the front page.

Anonymous said...

This is great! I will add it to my curriculum next Fall in Sociology here at the high school. Thinking globally, acting locally will take on a whole new meaning!

Also, I'm in talks to get a speaker from Aperion Institute For Sustainable Living out of Coventry to come talk to students in a presentation entitled "Caring For My BOdy, Caring For My World". It will explore people's connections between their lifestyles and their environment and promises to be powerful. If anyone is interested they can drop a note here or call THS EXT 337.